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Friday, October 5, 2007

I've been so neglectful of my little blog here. Life is still really getting in the way right now. Once I get things settled down I'll definitely get this here bloggy up and running again. I haven't been sewing like I want to, and that's a big reason I haven't updated things here.

The good news is that I have a second interview for a job on Monday. I had the first interview today, and I did really well. I'm excited because it'll be a really good job if I get it. Much better than I was expecting even. I hope I do well. I'm really hoping I get it too. I think I would be good at it, and it would be an interesting job to do as well. Plus, it has awesome pay and full benifits. In Michigan that's rare now. It would be wonderful to have health insurance again. I try not to think about what would happen if I got really sick or injured. So until I'm done with that next interview and they make their decision I'll just be sitting here crossing my fingers and praying real hard.

Hopefully I can do some crafter interviews soon and I'll have those up to share. Until then, thanks to everyone who reads my lil neglected bloggy. :)

7:03 PM

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I'm so happy the poster contest results are finally in! There were so many beautiful entries, and I got into the honorable mention list! This was so much fun, and I hope they do it again sometime.

Sorry, I haven't posted in a while. Hopefully I'll get back on track soon. Sometimes life just gets in the way. I'm still applying for jobs, and I think I'm going to go back to school in the winter. I'll take some more unofficial computer courses for now. Then I'm planning on entering a Paralegal Studies program at a local university. I already have my bachelor's degree, so the program would be post bachelor. Theoretically you can finish the program in a year, but since I will hopefully be working as well, I think I'll go part time. Well, I guess that's the update for now. :)

Again, a big congrats to all the winners!

12:37 PM

Friday, August 3, 2007

Sorry I didn't post one last week, but here's this one from The Office for you. I have discovered the Jim and Pam goodness, and this is a great little music video all about them. I can't wait to see what happens this season! Enjoy!

6:20 PM

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Here's my fairy! Actually, I made two. One to sell, and one for me. :) I couldn't even help it. It was supposed to be a self portrait for the Etsy Plush Street Team, and how could I make myself, and not keep one?

So here's a couple pics. The top one is the full view, with her cotton body, cute feathery hair, and silk taffeta dress. She's a very luxurious fairy. ;) The next pic is of her wings, with her hair up in a clip. I was very important to me to make hair that can be played with. I always loved doll hair. Oh, and her wings are made out of flannel. They're snuggly!

I also make the dresses completely removable, and will have more dresses in my shop soon. My favorite thing to do as a girl was change my dollies clothes, so I'll have a bunch of dresses up soon. I'll do some other cute accessories as well, but you'll have to wait and see. Hopefully these fairies will be a hit. I just love them. And they're so so fun to make. It's probably because I was so doll crazy when I was a kid. I had so many that I loved. Heck, I still have some stored away nicely. I can't part with a few of them, and to be honest, neither can my mom. (hehehehe, she's so cute.)
Anyway, I love them, and I hope others do as well. I have another cute one already planned, and I can't wait to sew her up!

3:36 PM

Friday, July 20, 2007

So I just made a treasury called Angel of Mine, and I liked it so much I made a poster for the etsy conteset! They're going to make 20 prints out of the entries they receive. I hope mine makes the cut! You can click on the pic to see a larger version of it too.

p.s. I haven't heard about the job yet.....I think I might not get it. Sigh.....not giving up hope yet, but I am starting to get discouraged.

12:28 PM

Monday, July 16, 2007

Okay, big sigh of relief. The interview went really well, at least I think it did. I hope I get it. I was the first interview and I think I made a good impression. I answered all the questions she shot at me well and I could tell she liked my responses. There's a couple more interviews today and one on Wednesday, so she said she'd probably be doing callbacks on Thursday. She's really nice, and I fall more in love with the store every time I'm there.

So now I'm really hoping I get it. Although I know it went well, my concern now is if I'm better for the job than the other people interviewing. It seems like an absolutely wonderful place to work, so I still have my fingers crossed really hard. I just have to wait now, and Thursday seems like a long way away......

4:05 PM

Today I have a job interview at the cutest little shop in Berkley. It's called Catching Fireflies, and it's just the most adorable little place. Here's a pic of the outside and one of the inside. Isn't it cute?! While things with Etsy are going well, my financial situation has changed a little, and I need some extra income. They're looking for part time help, and I really hope I get it.

This shop is so adorable, and they sell handmade items too! That's what makes this shop so unique. They sell local artists' work, so it's a one of a kind shopping experience. They even sell Fairy Buttons! I love her work, and bought one of her mobiles for my nephew-to-be.

It would be just a dream job. I obviously adore handmade items and I love promoting fellow artists, especially local ones. And helping people find these one of a kind gifts that they love is so rewarding. That's the best part of my Etsy shop; knowing that people love what they buy from me is just the most wonderful feeling.

So the interview is in about 2 hours, and I'm starting to get nervous. I really want this job, and it would be much needed right now. There hasn't been a job I've interviewed for that I haven't gotten, so that helps my confidence. I'm still nervous though. I would adore working there. They even have a resident kitty cat! How adorable is that?

Well, it's time to start getting ready. I'll probably do another post-interview entry later on today. I hope I do well. *fingers crossed*

10:04 AM

Friday, July 13, 2007

Well it's Friday again, and look! I'm actually posting it on Friday like I'm supposed to! hehehe. This video is of Kevin Crawford. He's an AMAZING musician from the group Lunasa. This is him playing the tin whistle.

I love this video because I already play the flute, but I want to get a tinwhistle so badly. He inspires me.

1:33 PM

Monday, July 9, 2007

I am on a mini monkey makin' binge! I have these two done so far. Avery is the pink one on the left, and Melanie is on the right. Melanie sold already! I have 3 more that are half done and will be ready to list soon. I think after making 5 in a row, I'll be ready to take a break from the mini's for a bit.

I think after I'm done with these I'll try my first fairy. I have the designs all layed out, I just have to make the pattern and give it a whirl. The only thing that's really hanging me up is the hair. I'm going to do yarn hair, and I think it's going to be a bit of a challenge. I've never done a doll before, so we'll see how it goes. I have a vague idea, but I don't know if it's going to work or not yet.

I also have no idea how much they're going to be. They're going to be a lot of work, with the doll, the dress, the wings, the embroidery, and the hair. I guess I'll see once I make my first one how much work they are.

I know my mini's are worth more than I list them for. They take about 3-4 hours to make, and I sell them for $20. I would make them more, but I don't know if people would buy them if I made them more expensive. My large ones are $35, and I've only sold one. I did a couple trades where I made big ones, but those don't really count. I've sold a bunch of mini's though.

I enjoy making them no matter what they sell for, and I love that they make people so happy. That's the best part. If I can make people happy with these little munchkins I'm satisfied.

12:42 PM

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I love this little flash animation. I originally saw it on deviant art, and loved it. Enjoy!

6:24 PM

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